Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Knock…knock…it's Luke Skywalker or Johnny English in Jedi Temple ??

Being in Cinema back in 1977 -1978 , i was only like 3 to 4 years old. I do not how to explain but I do remember watching Star Wars. It must be in either Cathay or Kapitol Cinema, back in my home town Sg Petani. I was with my siblings. Being the youngest and 6 years apart from my elder brother, I must be on one of my sister's  lap when I watched the first Star Wars movie. I didnt know then that the impact of watching that movie at the age of 4 had so much influence in my life. Not that I wanted to become a Jedi , but I do wish if I have to kind Jedi power. Especially in today's world to curb the crime rate or even to rally for the world peace.  Not to join the rebellious or now they call it the Resistance, but more towards having those Jedi Force and the lightsaber. Perhaps if I were to open a new political party , the Jedi Force could at least keep me out of jail for now.

Since I was a kid, I always wanted to have the lightsaber of my own. Not the toy lightsaber, but the real lightsaber. I wish that one day the technology can turn that into reality. Well, I am not dreaming of having it now, as I am 42 years old. But what the heck, if it really exist, why not. What the heck on earth I would be doing with a lightsaber? First of all, it would be cool to carry one with you whenever you go. Imagine, entering a  seven eleven with a Jedi costume and a lightsaber. It would also be handy when you have a Police Roadblock , where police normally would use a light baton or lightsaber look-alike as a tool to control the traffic. If I were to be booked, I just need to show them my lightsaber. Knowing that I am a Jedi, the police will surely let me pass without any hassles. Else, I will apply the Jedi mind trick on them. Sounds like a criminal ? Actually , I would love to help the police to curb for the  crimes. Especially those Mat Rempit or even those Big Bikers ! I just hate those who like to show off on public roads. I can use my lightsaber to ripp the bikes. Use my Jedi power to smash them apart. 

Apart from using it for violence or mass destruction , I can use the lightsaber for good, like cooking instant noodles, i can boil the water within seconds, BBQ , light-up charcoals and many more. So, who said the lightsaber is bad or practically harmful. 

Ok, enough of those pathetatic and sick imaginations,  the main reason I sit in front of this PC and do blogging, (actually this was written at the end of  2015) .  I had just watched Star Wars 7 : The Force Awakens. And I really got emotionally disturbed after watching it. After series of series non stop Star Wars movies on Astro Disney Channel and even TV3, I just coudnt help it to re-peatedly watch those nostalgic movies, over and over again. My kids didnt seem to follow me. They watched those movies with me but to them were just like watching a Disney channel, no Jedi , no Obi Wan spirits and definitely no Luke Skywalker thrills. Knowing me , a big fan of Star War, my wife had to sacrifice her routine Korean Dramas.  A Malay speaking Korean dramas, a stereotype good looking ladies and baby face heroes. All using Samsung Galaxy , driving Hyundai and eating Kimchee. All about fighthings to be in power to rule the empire of Soy Sauce Factories !!! 

Enough of the Korean drama !! I took my kids to the Cinema as early as 4pm to get the 9.30pm. I just hate long queue , and front row sits. Before we enter the cinema, I told my kids to go to the restroom and settle whatever nature calls upfront. So there we go, 9.20pm, as we entered the Cinema , it feels like the old days. Popcorns , Biscuits and Sodas. I purchased a stupid Star Wars T-Shirt for RM29.90. Free size but finally I gave it to my son as I really dont like the rubber materials that made up the Storm Troopers. Knowing that this movie is different from the other Pre-quels, because they brought back the main characters like Princess Leia, Hans Solo and Luke Skywalker, I sat in the cinema with a high expectation of having the memories of those heroic figures to be the main characters. I waited patiently as the movie rolled. The introduction of the Star Wars signature Opening Crawl, I was so happy to see Luke Skywalker name mentioned. So , this is about Luke Skywalker and not about Chewbacca. My son Mat Adam started to nag and wanted to go to restroom again. Oh dear , go with your sister, I am watching the movie. With the introduction of Storm Troopers that were about to make an attack, the movies really brought a high hope that Luke Skywalker would appear in the  next 5 mins to 15 mins.

But no, the story started off in a village with Poe Dameron , the new character talking to a one old guy that resembles the Old Ben. In that intro conversation, Luke Skywalker name was mentioned again.  I was getting excited. It's about a digital map to find Luke Skywalker. I got really really excited , I have not seen my childhood heroes in action for more than 20 years. But again, Luke was nowhere to be found, only sounds of blaster guns and a weird looking gay Darth Vader alike. What the FISH !! okay, I calm myself down , Luke will surely appear in the next 10 minutes. I have waited since the last few months of crazy publicity and teasers on youtube , of course I could wait for another 10 mins. The BB-8 is no longer a surprise. Same scene as was in 1976 as Princess Leia was giving a secret hologram recorder to R2D2. Hey, this is 2015 , JJ Abrams still use the same shit ! Come on ! People have been waiting for years to see the come back and you gave the same trick of a droid taking a thumb drive and escape ! What the OCTOPUS !!!

Ok, the X Wings looks real , a credit for this movie. But who the CAT is this Poe Dameron. Just look like somebody from a sit-com. OK , as long as I can see Luke Skywalker in action , I forgive you Poe. So Kylo Ren. Something that is no longer a surprise , looks like Darth Vader. Again , JJ Abrams took a cheap idea again !! How much you got paid to recycle the idea !! ok, I forgive you, it is not just you, Lucas must also said "Hey…we must re-invent Darth Vader for the Gen Y"..He must be Gay Looking , not so good in acting, having a deep voice but doesnt sound intelligent …just like the Gen Y wants him to be. And the Gen Z like my kids may not really bother how he looks like. So, obviously, the abandoned Gen X like me is not the target market of this movie after all. So the new lightsaber is supposed to be the killer Toy. But it doesnt look like a tradional lightsaber , more like a Power Blaze Zippo or the one that they use in Manhattan Fish Market to Turbo Boost the Fish. And out of nowhere , the storm troopers used the flame thrower to burn the village. Flame Thrower ????? what an ANT HOLES !! Star Wars using flame thrower ??? This is like 80s movie ,  Exterminator . Ok I forgive my RM10 ticket, as long as Luke Skywalker appear, i don't mind even if they use an Angry Bird Catapult. But the long awaited hero is no where to be found in the first 10 minutes. I started to feel nausea and started eating those Popcorns and Famous Amous. So, Kylo Ren has super force. Of course, it is expected , he is the villain. But it looks to me just like a Play Station Character, of course he will be one, but in the movie, just like another video-game animated movie. But of couse, who would have thought a Jedi or Sith could stop or pause the Blaster Laser, which looks like a Photoshop gone wrong lighting. So Kylo Ren, why are you wearing those mask ? Having problem with breathing or he is so health concious.  He sounds just like a WWF Wrestler who is confused  !! No Darth Vader breathing effect . Grand  SON OF a Beast !! Ok…come on….not everything is bad about him. I kind of like the idea of the Cross Guard light saber , it can be used to light up cigarrettes or burn-carving your names on rocks. Most importantly it can be used for welding. But the one that bother me the most is would it posssibiliy burn your own hand as you swing the lightsaber. That's perhaps why Kylo wears protective gloves. This is not a movie review, just a a frustation as Luke Skywalker is not appearing after 15 mins of the movie.

ok, forget about Luke, his face was not even on the poster. I thought it was a gimmick. Maybe he is the most highest paid actor in the world that putting his picture would cost so much for Lucasfilm. The next character in this movie is the gorgeous Rey , the British accent character , Daisy Ridley. An expected character of coming out of nowhere just to create a character. Since she is good looking and full with stamina, I forgive her and forget about Luke for a while. But then , this another character , Finn , a black male really bother me ever since the premier. Another Denzel Washington in a fiction movie. They could have find someone that looks much better like Will Smith or I dont mind if he looks like Michael Jackson or Eddie Murphy. But this double agent storm trooper  character is so unacceptable. Storm Troopers are like cheap soldiers easily got wacked even by Princess Leia, R2D2 or Chewie. But this guy without any Jedi training could somehow handle a lightsaber that nearly got Kylo Ren into trouble. Imagine, a storm trooper can do that.  So they make this movie a better mixed or diverse, they need to create a black man , like Lando Calrisian. I dont have issues with Lando , but this Finn guy really a spoiler to me. This is not about race but the character himself. This is Star Wars. A so expensive and awaited movie of the year, how can they let this happened. Is this guy related to Barrack Obama or what ????  Put aside the good looking , but the quality of the act is just average. How did they make the cast for this character. We have serious issue over here !! ohh man…..JJ , you can even put Mike Tyson as the Betrayed Storm Trooper, he wouldnt bite anyone's ear. I am sorry JJ, maybe I am too old for all this. From the eye of the Gen Y, maybe this guy is cool. But who cares !! I am Gen X , the one that grew up with Star Wars. I felt betrayed even the ticket is just RM10/=.  

Ok, back to the beautiful young Jedi to be , Rey, the Scavenger Hunter. She is tought , slick , intelligent and independence. That's how I look at her character. Sexy ?? well , perhaps because of her independence and focus. I have no issue with her character. Something out of the box from JJ Abrams. Her role in this movie is the only new role that i feel fit the new era of Star Wars. Never had the idea that she has the Jedi Power. So , this is unexpected and this is what a movie should be. At least, an expensive and long awaited movie. But then it would be better if she posses certain weapon at the beginnnig of the movie like constructing some kind of new weapon that has some laser element in it. Perhaps not a light saber but maybe a knife saber that she found during the scavengering. A lots if Jedi were killed, dont tell me that it is illogical for someone to find their light sabers or parts of it. If I were JJ Abrams, I would have instill this surprise element in this movie at the very beginning. Rey could have constructed her own weapon using the main element of the lightsaber, some sort of crystal that release energy. That's what the Jedi myth was all about. Constructing a lightsaber would be too much for a scavenger but a small knife with lightaber element might be okay. or perhaps the light-spears. There I go again, pretending to be JJ Abrams. Go FISH!!! But at least this would make the Gen X happy. We used to live in those light saber years. So light sabers to us are like worms to the fishing hook. They hook each other. Aren't that supposed to be the goal of this movie.   George Lucas, you should have hired me, I could have made you more Lucas than any other Lucas !!

Hans Solo , on the other hand…also not appearing as what I had expected him to be, but at least his appearance was way more significant than Master Luke,  thought he ended up his character by being light-stabbed by his own son. I couldnt recall any memorable punch line , phrases or jokes that came out of him from the Force Awakens. Or perhaps it is just me who no longer had the ability to comprehend the message brought by JJ in this movie. Yes , I have to admit than I am getting old and outdated amongst these days Gen Ys and Zs movies . Chewie looks younger than ever. I had expected a touching moment from Chewie during Hans Solo's death. But it was just another typical Wookie sound.

The last scene between Rey and Luke Skywalker seems to me like a discovery channel. Yes, the scenery was great, for a discovery channel. It would be much better if Bear Grylls was the one climbing that hill and passing the light saber to Luke. At least Bear could teach Luke how to drink his own urine and survive with the Bear Grylls ultimate knife rather than light saber. Anyhow, being a Star Wars fan, I had to admit that the best scene was during Rey's vision as she touched the light saber. Ok, let's wait for the next movie, I hope all the expectations would at least come close to the reality. Probably, I have to think like Gen Ys if I were not to be disappointed. What if Dato Vida joint venture with George Lucas and JJ Abrams ? That would be a brand new Star Wars. I believe Chewie will become pink and Finn would become white. Carrie Fisher would be casted out and replaced with Princess Vida Organa Pamoga !!! Peace Yo bro & sista !!! May the Force be with Ya !!!


Vision Accomplished

Vision Accomplished