Saturday, February 14, 2015
Bear Grylls, lu tunggu gua datang !
Kuali set ni beli dah lama, masih tak rasmi lagi. Barang-barang lain pun sama. Sekarang dah tak sama macam dulu, mau camping kasi Up Jadi…banyak pulak consideration yang perlu difikirkan terutamanya faktor keselamatan.
Masa dekat Kulim dulu ada geng masuk hutan, tapi bila pindah SP geng masuk sungai pulak, jadi aktiviti survival cooking ni kurang sikitlah. Tapi macam mana pun kena bagi jadi juga. Sejak dua menjak ni panas terik, macam tak sesuai nak camping sebab confirm demam punya. Baru naik basikal 15 minit tengah panas pun dah selesema.
Masa dekat Kulim dulu ada geng masuk hutan, tapi bila pindah SP geng masuk sungai pulak, jadi aktiviti survival cooking ni kurang sikitlah. Tapi macam mana pun kena bagi jadi juga. Sejak dua menjak ni panas terik, macam tak sesuai nak camping sebab confirm demam punya. Baru naik basikal 15 minit tengah panas pun dah selesema.
Adam Upgrade Engine Turbo !
Hari itu dalam sejarah, tanggal 12 Disember , Sabtu jam 10.45 pagi, Adam telah selamat menjalankan upacara berkhatan di Poliklinik Dr Azhar & Rakan-Rakan. Dr Saidin yang mengambil tanggungjawab itu.
Aku pun rasa macam baru saja berkhatan, masih ingat 1985 di Klinik Dr Aishah & Dr Fisol, Bakar Arang.
Mula-mula masa memikirkan kena bawa Adam pergi Klinik agak suspen juga, tapi aku dah study awal-awal petua-petua sebelum dan selepas berkhatan. Dalam internet bloggers banyak yang share pasal benda ni. Tapi berterima kasih kepada wife aku yang voluntarily took over tugas-tugas khas selepas berkhatan. Sapu ubat, bagi mandi , bagi makan, semua dia. Aku sibuk update Facebook , youtube , main Drum & Tennis. Sibuk wooo…
Semasa dalam so called "Mini Operation Theatre" , aku bawa Galaxy Note, buka Youtube bagi Adam tengok video kereta Remote Control dan UFO. Sebagai ubat kebas dan ubat pelali untuk Adam. Aku pun tumpang sekaki tengok youtube untuk mengalih pandangan daripada Live Operation. Walaupun sekarang dah advance pakai elektrik cutter, aku malas nak tengok sebab mamat sebelum aku pengsan tengok anak dia bersunat. Tak pasal-pasal Dr kena handle si bapa yang pengsan tu.
Sepanjang minggu tu aku juga sibuk carikan "ubat bius" kat Adam yang aku janjikan masa dalam Operation Theatre, kereta Remote dan Lego Made in China. Dekat dua minggu juga Adam jalan macam Michael Jackson. Bila dah okay, Adam pergi memancing ikan di Segantang Garam.
MetalliCAT - "Black" & Generasi Kucing
Black ni sebenarnya kucing Mamatuk, jumpa depan rumah. Macam mana boleh dapat nama Black ? Dah tentu Mamatuk yang bagi, sempena nama Black Mentor.
Black ni kategori kucing aktif, tak macam kucing aku dulu yang nama Shaun Pororo ( Missing in Action). Jadi selang sehari aku mesti check-in Taman Peruda Utama sebab nak gomoi dengan Black. Black cukup berkenan dengan Intan, asal jumpa mesti nak "terekam". Black pandai buat aksi "anak bulu-bulu "…anak bulu-bulu ni aksi kucing yang selalu bergolek atas lantai bila dia nak buat-buat manja. Ni mamatuk punya terma.
Aksi Black dengan Bayang-Bayang
Aksi Timmy (Kelabu) & Maria (Light Black)
Aksi Maria & Shaun Pororo
Mengikut pengamatan aku, perangai kucing dari satu generasi ke satu generasi tak banyak berubah. Muka sama jugak macam kucing-kucing yang pernah aku bela dulu. Perangai pun lebih kurang sama. Ada yang menikuih, ada yang mandom. Kucing pun macam orang juga, ada yang aktif , ada yang slow rock. Ada yang busuk hati, ada yang baik hati. Tapi yang busuk hati tu tak banyak , ada la sekoq sepanjang aku bela, nama dia Tom tahun 1980-an . Perangai Tom punyalah $#^%^;*#. Tom kucing jantan Mamatuk ambil dari Kulim, kawan dia bagi. Kalau tak silap aku sekitar 1986. Tom ni kira asal melawak nak cakaq orang saja. Cakaq sungguh-sungguh punya. Lagi satu perangai khianat dia, bila kucing betina beranak, Tom akan pi tokak leheq anak-anak kucing. Dekat 8 ekoq dia tokaq. Aku ingat Tom ni benih Israel kot. Memang makan penendang dengan aku masa tu.
Gambar kiri (Meelofa)
Analisis aku mengikut kucing-kucing yang pernah aku bela :
1979 - Abu & Murat - aku tak tau sebab masa tu umoq dalam 4 tahun ke 5 tahun
1981 - Nadia - Kategori pemalu
- Mickey (anak Nadia) - Kategori bijak dan sihat - Mati accident depan rumah time Maghrib
1983 - Tuty - jumpa dekat Pulau Sayak, Abahwan kata bukan kucing sebab perangai pelik. Tak reti
nak kawan dengan orang
1983 - Lito - jumpa dekat Masjid Bakar Arang - kaki pump kain selimut sebab dia ingat nenen mak dia
- Keturunan anak-anak Tuty -- Pak Belang, Pak Itam - semua kategori low profile
- Rakun - Kategori sakit cirit birit
- Tom - Perangai Yahudi
1990 - Kiko - Paling Pandai , Paling Terror (Hilang ikut Marka Kampung) *
2001 - Oren - Kucing low profile
2003 - Intan Denissa (Hat ni orang bukan kucing !)
2004 - Mohd Adam Fariz (Hat ni pun orang bukan kucing !)
jarak 6 tahun tak bela kucing sebab kanak-kanak Ribena kat rumah
2010 - Shaun Pororo - Kucing Ekslusif beli kat Kedai -- tapi Bangang giler….kira lena, makan, ronda …kena curi ka , hilang ka…tak tau la...
2011 - Timmy - aktif tapi bila besaq jadi Mandom…beranak pinak
- Timun -- kategori hormat dan berbudi bahasa -- buang kat market kulim
2013 - Maria -- kategori manja macam Lisa Surihani ….tapi kaki memanjat bumbung rumah …pelingkup rumah orang. Kena komplen…..Kena hantaq balik rumah Tok Timah….mati accident
2014 - Meelofa -- jumpa belakang rumah, bela 2 minggu lepas tu hilang pi mana tak tau…kategori sakit cirit birit …
2015 - Black - kira Kucing angkat sebab dia dok kat rumah Mamatuk…aku sponsor dia punya friskees..kategori wayar putus…aktif….
Are you PolitiCally RIGHT ?
I have once heard that based on survey , political topic is a top rank non-work related heavilly topic at the work place. Not office politics , but simply
political view sharing among the collegues.
"Political talk and expressions" were sometime being made legal even company code of conducts clearly stated that we should not discuss about things that may lead to discomfort feelings towards others. Discomfort could lead to harassment , open door and so on so forth. Harassments could lead to hates, hates lead to suffering , and suffering leads to the Dark Side ---- hmmm…now I do sound like Master Yoda :-). As a leader , we should role model, be it wahtever you feel. One should not give a message to be on favor towards certain political party. Let's be neutral and keep it to ourselves as much as possible. A little bit of joke would be fine, as long as it doesnt hurt one's feeling.
I know that it is human nature to express their feelings or view but it is one maturity level that makes a different in delivering the right or wrong message within certain given situation. Basically, people political view can change from time to time. So it is best to keep it in the non-work environment so it may not get mess up with your commitment and objectives of the business that you are in.
To my definition, politics are about power to rule , managing the people's money and resources. It could lead to many wrongdoings if not properly manage. Yes, it exist from the begining of human beings and during those Jurassic Park time. I guess that's where the word "Teritorial Pissings"comes from. Animals also have political influence and boundaries over one and another. So sometimes human practice those values of animals politics, and they justify it as humane. Luckily Animals do not have access to Facebook or the media socials, else the internet would be much more merrier with slanders and hates from cats, dogs and the members of the zoo.
When politician speaks, they are probably working because that is what they do best and what they do for living . But when non-politician speaks, especially during working hours or within the company premises, I suppose they are just being mediocre. You know you have little influence over what is happening. Political talks has no direct correlation toward the business or team needs , and in fact , it brings other negatives elements as you are crossing one privacy and right. W should focus towards achieving other bigger missions. So, please keep our political at home or within our social events or social media friends.
Hey, btw, I wrote this blog during my non-working hours. Cheers !
Note :
Actually this post was written in 2014 , i put it into draft mode and just noticed it was still there.
So, here you go. Cheers !
political view sharing among the collegues.
"Political talk and expressions" were sometime being made legal even company code of conducts clearly stated that we should not discuss about things that may lead to discomfort feelings towards others. Discomfort could lead to harassment , open door and so on so forth. Harassments could lead to hates, hates lead to suffering , and suffering leads to the Dark Side ---- hmmm…now I do sound like Master Yoda :-). As a leader , we should role model, be it wahtever you feel. One should not give a message to be on favor towards certain political party. Let's be neutral and keep it to ourselves as much as possible. A little bit of joke would be fine, as long as it doesnt hurt one's feeling.
I know that it is human nature to express their feelings or view but it is one maturity level that makes a different in delivering the right or wrong message within certain given situation. Basically, people political view can change from time to time. So it is best to keep it in the non-work environment so it may not get mess up with your commitment and objectives of the business that you are in.
To my definition, politics are about power to rule , managing the people's money and resources. It could lead to many wrongdoings if not properly manage. Yes, it exist from the begining of human beings and during those Jurassic Park time. I guess that's where the word "Teritorial Pissings"comes from. Animals also have political influence and boundaries over one and another. So sometimes human practice those values of animals politics, and they justify it as humane. Luckily Animals do not have access to Facebook or the media socials, else the internet would be much more merrier with slanders and hates from cats, dogs and the members of the zoo.
When politician speaks, they are probably working because that is what they do best and what they do for living . But when non-politician speaks, especially during working hours or within the company premises, I suppose they are just being mediocre. You know you have little influence over what is happening. Political talks has no direct correlation toward the business or team needs , and in fact , it brings other negatives elements as you are crossing one privacy and right. W should focus towards achieving other bigger missions. So, please keep our political at home or within our social events or social media friends.
Hey, btw, I wrote this blog during my non-working hours. Cheers !
Note :
Actually this post was written in 2014 , i put it into draft mode and just noticed it was still there.
So, here you go. Cheers !
Journey towards the "Mankind"
Late start again for 2015. But better late than never. I have thousands of reasons for the delay and decay (of ideas and motivation), but let's put those aside.
I attended a motivation session two weeks ago, which was actually meant for my daughter 2015 UPSR. This is the second year of Intan at that school, a newly open school in the middle of our reidential area. Honestly, I didnt plan to stay throughout the sessions as it stated in the leaflet as a 4 hours session. I forced my wife to come together though she pretty reluctant as to complete the household chores.
Well, anyhow, the event went pretty smooth with a energetic touch by one of the guest motivator from UUM, Ustaz Naim. The school has arranged a series of programs througout the year , to get prepared for their first UPSR. Based on the paperwork, it was pretty impressive with both spiritual, mental and academic contents. I simply salute the Headmaster, Encik Ghazali.
Well, during the motivation sessions, parents were strategically positioned at the back row. The girls and boys were separated right and left clusters. The motivation was about being human progressively. To me, I call it journey towards Mankind. That's what I told my kids. You go to school to progressively learn about life, all the subjects somehow will be interconnected in the future. To compare during my time, the syllabus are much more advance. For example, I only heard about IT and computer stuffs when I was in form 1, but these kids already had those syllabus in the primary school. And they also have those creative stuffs like Remote Control Car constructions, farming project , taking care of fish and stuffs like that.
Again , the word "Mankind"I learnt from the CD above (from the group Helloween, album Pink Bubbles Go Ape). To be exact, during my time, those were in Cassettes. That's how I pick up my English. And it works the same to my team mates those days.
Here's the excerpt from the song, (Heavy Metal song by Michael Kiske) I could still remember the lyrics until today :
Mankind (Helloween)
Here is a Mankind so proud of achievement , there is no stone that is warmer than you
Look how we stand in the stream of illusions, no one says a word
Here you live, and there you cry , all that makes you move
There's no tear for anything , anything but you
Animals dying for our vanity , our world is a beutiful place to be free
Drinking the blood of the weak it's so easy No one hears them cry
Here you cheat , there you lie , all that makes you gain
One day we will face his throne , there's nothing we can say
Prosperity, luxury , fast food is rising, it's the rainforest that dies
Here you cheat , there you lie , all that makes you gain
One day we will face his throne , there's nothing we can say
Note : Sounds familiar ?
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